Corporate Events

Corporate Events Planners in Delhi


  • Delhiite picked Spectacular themes.
  • Security and Facilities.
  • Gourmet Food.
  • Fine Wine & Delicious cocktails.
  • Guest list Management
  • Invitation Design
  • Headline Entertainment
  • Manpower Supply
  • Electric Lighting
  • World-class Audio

General Questions

  • Why do I need a corporate event planner, why can’t I manage it on my own?
    If you have a dedicated staff for handling such events, with years of experience and expertise then of course you can do so on your own. Though hiring such a staff on permanent basis isn’t cost effective for every organization. At Event By Delhiite, we would handle everything on your behalf so that all you need is just enjoy the event you are organizing.
  • Are Promotional Events different from Employee Events?
    They may appear to be similar on the grounds that the ultimate goal of every event is to entertain the guests. Promotional events aim to showcase your company through Branding and Product Launch; on the other hand Employee Events are mainly about Employee Appreciation and team building, etc. At Event By Delhiite, we expertise in organizing events that fulfils it’s true purpose.
  • Why should I organize a holiday party for my employees?
    It’s a good way to show that you care. A Corporate party not only gives your employees a good time but also enhances their work performance. It’s a well known fact that employees discuss such parties with their friends and family and a good party means a good word of mouth for your company.
  • Can you suggest some good Corporate Party ideas? Do you include games and activities too?
    Yes, The Delhiite Expert Team (T-Det) will get in touch with your team and get to know about the company profile, employee timings etc. and then plan games and activities accordingly. Apart from that they would try and pick a venue to host the party that would be convenient for your employees, unless you want it conducted in your office premises only. Contact us to know more about the games/activities we offer.
  • How can you help me in my team-building efforts?
    We at Event By Delhiite have a list of unique team-building activities/games for you to choose from, from outdoor activities to indoor games. Such activities helps employees interact with one another on a non-professional level and help them bond with one another, it enhances their team coordination.
  • 6) We are planning a grand opening, can you help us?
    Yes of course, Event By Delhiite is your one stop destination for all your Corporate Event Needs along with any other event needs you might have. A Grand Opening if organized well will help building brand loyalty amongst your customers and would attract them to visit you again. The Delhiite Expert Team (T-Det) will get in touch with you to understand the unique selling point (usp) of your business and accordingly share some of the ideas for you to choose from. We can help you plan every sort of promotional event you wish to organize, talk to us to know more.
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